Dec 24, 2008

How To Write A Thank You Letter After An Interview

By:Judi Perkins
Article Source:

Sending a thank you letter is as important as interview preparation. But they're tough to write, so people either tell themselves that not sending one doesn't matter, or they procrastinate until it's too late and almost pointless anyway. But anyone who tells themselves that foregoing a fundamental rule of etiquette doesn't matter, not only taints themselves in the mind of the interviewer, but misses two additional opportunities to sell.

A thank you letter is an additional sales piece. As I've said before, you're selling a product and the product is you. So beyond the reason of etiquette, the letter sells you as a polite person who recognizes that the interviewer gave them something valuable: time and consideration.

A fundamental rule of sales is to keep the product in front of the buyer and reinforce its benefits. So beyond the etiquette, the letter gives you ample space to comment on what you liked about the company, why your skills are of benefit to them, and how much you're interested. If something wasn't tied up, or was left unsatisfactorily, you should use the space to further address the issue.

When you miss the opportunity to reinforce your skills and tie them to the job requirements, you miss a chance to sell. When you fail to address a concern or answer a question and leave it to fester in the mind of the interviewer, you've failed to overcome an objection. And if a buyer has an objection to the product, if it isn't addressed, the likelihood of the sale is slim.

The third opportunity missed by skipping the thank you letter is the chance to keep your name in front of the buyer. Read newspapers? Watch TV? See the same ads over and over and over again? It's somewhat the same principle - if you keep your name in front of the hiring authority, they're more likely to remember you.

Thank you letters are one of the reasons it's important to take notes during an interview. Not only does it show good attention to detail, it saves you from having to scrunch your face up trying to remember some of the information you learned about the company and position during the interview. Because if you met with three separate people during one visit to the company, that's three thank you letters....three different thank you letters.

So let's look at how to create one of these so that it becomes a less odious task.
  • First paragraph

Open with the obligatory thank you and include how you enjoyed the meeting. Say why. Maybe the people you met were exceptional. Perhaps their company philosophy was exactly what you had hoped for. Or they need to overhaul a department and you can't wait to sink your teeth into it because that's what you've got a stellar track record of doing. It doesn't matter. Pick something out, and put it down. But make it real.

  • Second paragraph

What took place during your interview? Pull out a piece of information that pleased you, say what it was, and tell them why. For instance: I was particularly pleased to find that X company/the opportunity/your management style has/was/is/does whatever. This is exciting because...... . You can expand on whatever it is for a few sentences by elaborating: how it relates to something you've experienced and liked -- or didn't like. Discuss a particular aspect of the job you find appealing and reiterate why you'd be successful at it or how long you've been performing it or how similar it is to something you've done in the past.

  • Third paragraph

You can add a similar paragraph if the second was fairly short. Or you can wind it up if it was a bit lengthy. If there was something that came up that needed clarification or about which they were dubious, address it and clear it up here.

  • Fourth paragraph

Wind it up. Re-iterate your interest. Be enthusiastic! Leave the job speak behind. If you really want to be hired, let your interest shine through. There's nothing wrong with coming right out and saying, "I'd love to work with X company!"

Caution: Don't start every sentence with "I". It may be the easiest way to write the letter but it's not only repetitive, it's a turn off and egotistical. This process is about you getting a job, but it's about what they get out of it if they hire you.

If you really want the job, the letter will be easy to write because it will contain genuine impressions and sentiments. If you choose to skip the letter, perhaps you don't care if you're hired or not. But make that decision yours and withdraw from the process instead of letting the decision be made for you.

Prior to starting her firm, VisionQuest, Judi Perkins was a search consultant for 25 years in both the contingency and retained market, including a short stint in the temporary and local permanent placement markets. She has owned her own firm and successfully assisted numerous repeat clients in hiring all levels of management. To sign up for her newsletter and learn thousands of powerful concepts to find your perfect job go to

Romantic Gifts

By Theo Justin

How to create a Successful Relationship with a Romantic Gift?

If you are single, can a romantic gift attract someone to become your new relationship? Or if you are in a relationship, can a romantic gift make your partner more loving to you? Or even if you are in a bad relationship, does a romantic gift melt their heart?

Romantic gifts can add much to an aspiring romance or one that needs the fires rebuilt. Knowing how and when to give a romantic gift to a significant other may be the key to your love life.

So romantic gifts are nothing without you knowing better about the beauty and the meaning of romantic gifts. You should know the best way to present the romantic gift to your beloved. You also need to realize that the gift is not for you, but for them. That you should give the gift that they would like. Not the gift you would like.

Before you buy a Romantic Gift, you should know more about your partner. Know their birthday, what food they like, what things they appreciate, and what kind of activities they enjoy. Find out about the characteristics of their feelings and actions. Find out how they feel about certain points and beliefs.

The other thing before you buy a romantic gift is how you present the gift. Some say that the best romantic gift is a hug, kiss, touch, your attention, your love, and your heart. When giving a physical romantic gift, it is important to present it with these intangible gifts as well. Present your gift with a hug, a kiss and your undivided attention to your partner. Convey to them that this is a gift from your heart and they are the most important thing in your life.

After you are successful doing with two things you still need a romantic gift. A hobby is a great thing to concentrate on when giving a gift. Everyone loves something beautiful as a gift. Most want to know something about a new experience. Do not wait until their birthday or Valentine Day for buying that romantic gift, give the romantic gift whatever you want or feel the need to give. For example if you are bored at home you can give a romantic getaway. A romantic getaway, according to surveys, is what most women wanted in Romantic Gift.

Personalize other romantic gifts for her. From flowers, poetry, chocolate, dinner, gift baskets, jewelry, perfume, Romantic Getaway, and lingerie ensure that the gift is personalized to them. The romantic gift is not what you want but what they want. While you may not appreciate flowers, the flower is usually appreciated by most women. You can make new arrangement of flowers and combine with poetry. This will always touch their heart.

And the next step is you realize what step of your relationship. Knowing about the condition of your relationship will make your romantic gift match. Step of Relationship is: You are in the beginning of relationship, you are dating, you were engaged, or you have gotten married. The condition of the relationship can be very good, good, stale, stagnant, or maybe worse. The individual romantic gift represents something if you are in the beginning relationship. You should better not to give something that shows your ego, like buying an expensive diamond or jewelry. The lingerie gift is also consider with care if you want give to a women in the beginning the relationship. For someone you have married you know what she like to wear, and it may add to the sparkle of your romantic moment.

If you are in the worse relationship its better said with a written poem that may soften your relationship. If you are in very good condition and you have more money, you can enjoy your partner with buying the jewelry or diamond that also represents your deepest and eternal love.

The important thing to know better about romantic gift is that it can be difficult. For example buying diamonds and finding the information about the 4Cs, carat, clarity, cutting, and color. You should be careful buying diamond online. For the flower, you must know about what the colors represent. For example, a pink rose tells the person that they have elegance and you are interested in a poetic romance. That is why you need to have the right and the match with your partner needs and likes.

I hope all of this will bring you a successful relationship with the match of romantic gifts and brings you to eternal true love. That is a powerful romantic gift among true romantic gifts.

For more information about true romantic gifts, visit

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The "Clenched Fist" Body Language

Beware a Person with Clenched Fist

A person clenching his fist may either be conveying any of the following state, emotions or thoughts:

1) He may be frustrated over a certain thing.

2) He may be angry.

3) He may be resisting your opinions or statements.

4) It may be a sign of defensiveness.

5) It may indicate confidence.

My advice would be to NOT clench your fist as it conveys an aggressive or negative implication.

How to Make Your Husband Fall in Love With You

Single women tend to think that married women have it all. We're the ones who are lucky enough to have a husband and a stable life. The only problem with that is that relationships change over time and if you are like me, you may even reach a point where you question whether your husband is still "in love" with you. It's stressful and frustrating being in a marriage and feeling as though your husband has lost his passion for you.

When I first realized this was happening in my marriage I tried everything I could think of to renew his feelings for me. I tried to lose weight, I cooked the dinners he liked, and I even planned weekend getaways for just the two of us, without the kids. He'd thank me for the effort, but the dynamic of the relationship wasn't changing at all.

It reached a point where I began to fear that he was going to ask me for a divorce. My married friends all had their own words of wisdom to offer to me to get my husband to fall back in love. I quickly realized that taking advice from women who didn't seem all that happily married wasn't something I needed to be doing.

I'm not sure why I didn't realize sooner if I wanted to get my husband to fall in love with me again - to treat me the way he did when we first met and married - I had to regain access to his heart and make myself irresistible to him again.

I wanted my marriage to thrive and be fulfilling for both me and my husband again. I knew that he wasn't happy and I also knew that he wasn't doing anything to remedy the situation.

If you love your husband and you want to make him fall in love with you again - you need to start understanding how to appeal to his personal desires, wishes, fears and passions. Once you are able to fully understand this, you'll have him falling all over you again.

My husband and I are now happier than ever - he tells me over and over again everyday how much he loves me and more importantly he shows it.

Dec 23, 2008

The Way To Measure Body Fat

Article Source: By: Chaz Milles

There are basically four major methods of measuring body fat. They include Navy Method, Home Body Fat Scales, Skinfold Calipers, and Hydrostatic Weighing. But we will look into three that are more commonly used.

Home Body Fat Scales-This device measures body fat by the use of Biometrical Impedance method. A very small electrical current, that is not enough to harm the body is passed through your body and the opposing current or is measured. When this result is compared to the weight, the percentage of body fat can then be determined.

This test has a margin of error, because the impedance in the body is altered by other factors that also generate some currents apart from body fat. Example is the electrical waves in the heart, the skeletal muscles etc, and water in your body, your skin temperature and physical exercise. In order to eliminate this interference; starve for 3-4 hours before test and also avoid any form of physical at least 12 hours before the test.

Skinfold Caliper - Another effective method is the use of calipers. This is the most cost preferred method of measuring body fats. However, you need to learn to use them correctly for this purpose. It should be done by a professional if you can help, but if not then acquire a set of Accumeasure calipers and the measuring instructions as stated.

Hydrostatic Weighing- Hydrostatic weighing also known as under water weighing is the most accurate way to calculate body fat - that is, if you can find a hydrostatic weighing tank.

How is it used? You need to understand Archimedes Principle. If you did physics in school, you will understand this better. But if you did not, I will explain for the avoidance of doubt. Whether you or the examiner, calculates your body density by measuring the amount of water you displace when you immerse yourself in water. Archimedes principle reasons that the amount of water displaced when an object in partially or totally immersed in water is proportional to the weight of that object. In this case you are the object. Then a formula is used to calculate body fat based on your body density. The problem is finding hydrostatic weighing tank! I guess this is too sophisticated for most people. But it remains the most accurate.

Why Border about measuring your fat?

Knowledge of the exact amount of fat in your body can help you set realistic goals for your weight loss plans. Body fat is an important element in successful weight control. You will be objective and scientific with the program which is the best way to loss weight. It is likened to taking inventory of the amount of fat in your body, and the time it will take you to loss a certain fraction as well as how much calories should be dropped from your meals daily to achieve it.

Fat measurement is the only way you can objectively track the success or otherwise of your weight loss program.

Dec 21, 2008

Choose a Digital Camera For a Beginner

By Jesse Stomerville.
Article Source:

It is really a big decision when it comes to buying a camera, especially a beginner digital camera. But it just seems hard, and in reality is easier than it seems. Just a short list for all those who want to avoid that painful process, here is what you have to consider:

Pixels (Resolution)

As the years pass, manufacturers offer more and more pixels, so that 5.0 megapixels will soon become the minimum choice. However, cameras that have less than 5.0 are popular also, especially between the beginner photographers. So the thing to decide is whether you will make large photos or not. The amount of pixels actually tells how much quality the photo will have if we make it large in size. The larger the photo, the more pixels will be needed for it to look high quality. If you just want to look at the pictures of the standard envelope size, then 2.0 or 3.0 megapixels is really enough.


The bigger price - the better the camera you think, but actually it might not be so if choosing a digital camera for beginner. Basically, all you might need to spend would be around $200. And no matter what brand or anything - cameras are great these days, so you can really get a good deal for a low price.


Cameras are made with regular batteries or the one you have to charge. Think of where you are going to use the camera - if you need it for long walks - chargeable batteries might not be the choice because you might not have the power supply near by you. However, chargeable battery is usually a cheaper option.


It is best to choose the glass lens with an optical zoom - the pictures quality is much better than taken with a plastic digital lens camera.

Find great Digital Camera Deals! Enjoy computer shopping and much, much more!

The "Crossed Arms" Body Language

Decoding the "Defensive" Gesture

When a person crosses his arms, it may mean any of the following:

1) When You're Talking - He may not agree with what you said, and may be doubting or suspecting you. He may have a bad impression on you and may not wish to continue talking with you. It may also depict arrogance or defensiveness.

2) When He's Talking - He may be hiding something from you, or may even be lying. A person engages in this protective posture when he feels anxious or nervous.

3) He may be protecting himself from verbal attack to maintain his composure.

4) He might just be feeling cold.

When reading body language, it is important to take note of other body language signals in order to more accurately single out other people's feelings or thoughts.

If you think this information is helpful, you'll be blown away by the incredible body language secrets revealed in Chapter 3 of "How To Be An Expert Persuader".

Dec 20, 2008

A classic Christmas song - O Holy Night

"O Holy Night" ("Cantique de Noël") is a well-known Christmas carol composed by Adolphe Adam in 1847 to the French poem "Minuit, chrétiens" by Placide Cappeau (1808-1877), a wine merchant and poet. Cappeau was asked to write a Christmas poem by a parish priest. It has become a standard modern carol for solo performance with an operatic finish.


O holy night! The stars are brightly shining,
It is the night of our dear Saviour's birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining,
'Til He appear'd and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! O, hear the angels' voices!
O night divine, O night when Christ was born;
O night divine, O night, O night Divine.
Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand.
So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming,
Here come the wise men from Orient land.
The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger;
In all our trials born to be our friend.
He knows our need, to our weakness is no stranger,
Behold your King! Before Him lowly bend!
Behold your King, Behold your King.
Truly He taught us to love one another;
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother;
And in His name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name.
Christ is the Lord! O praise His Name forever,
His power and glory evermore proclaim.
His power and glory evermore proclaim.

Dec 19, 2008

Why do you have to be like others

This is a story about a Thailand deaf-mute girl to study violin, but she was not to give up herself, the final section of the video will let you hit your hrart,in particular that the section of the cocoon break into a butterfly!

Only 4 minutes in this video,but this video makes me think of that no matter how humble or ordinary life it is, since the life came to the world, certainly it has the own significance.Beacause "God will not create you for no reason at all, he will do for you is the best arrangement. 

The "Handshake" Body Language

Your Handshake Can Either Make or Break You

Wouldn't it be amazing if you can accurately predict other people's emotions, state or mood every time you're shaking their hands?

Would you like to know how to properly shake hands in specific situations for maximum success?

Then listen closely. I'll show you what certain handshakes mean and what you can do to give a memorable handshake.

A person who is confident or exhibits power gives a firm handshake (palms pointing downwards in most cases).

Someone who is nervous, tensed or shy gives a wilted handshake (palms pointing upwards in most cases).

Now here are some wonderful tips to give an excellent handshake that makes people trust, respect or like you.

1) Smile while shaking hands, but don't smile for too long because it might give the perception that you're gullible or not too smart.

2) Make eye contact for around 3 seconds while shaking hands. Don't look too intensely nor too long into their eyes.

3) If you're sitting down, stand up to show respect when shaking hands (except in special cases like when you're eating). Remaining sited while shaking hands may give the impression that you're not interested in the other party, and will probably offend them.

4) If you have sweaty hands, wipe out the sweat with a napkin or handkerchief before shaking hands.

5) Extend your arm outward to show them your enthusiasm and confidence.

6) Your palm should come in contact with their palm. This conveys openness and sincerity, and proves that you're not hiding anything.

7) Don't squeeze their hands too hard. Shake hands firmly, but don't give too much pressure.

Hope these tips come in handy.

It's Easy to Gain Beautiful Breasts

Written By Daniel Perangin-Angin

A woman is the picture of beauty. A man always agrees with that. The proof is, a man usually has his dream girl. She must be beautiful at least from his point of view. What he likes is her beauty. And the shape of beauty is in many forms. It can be in eyes, lip, nose, head, hair, body, skin, or breast. For the last one, many men like it in a big or proportional shape, not in a flat or small shape.

But unfortunately, a beautiful breast does not belong to every woman. There are plenty women do not have a breast shape they have been expecting because of many causes. For example, a breast surgery buries their dream to have a stunning breast. The root cause is cancer. What would you do? Can you have your dream back? Do you still dare to think about having a good shape breast?

Why not? As long as there are still breasts on your chest, you can pump it up to a beautiful shape like you have been expecting since months, or years ago. Maybe you ever bought some products to gain a great shape like they promoted rapidly. And you tried them many times and spent much money. But in the end you got nothing but anger and disappointment.

Do not worry. There is something new about breast enhancement. This is not like any other breast pumpers they sell in the market. Many medicines contain dangerous materials from chemicals which react quickly to make breasts bigger then before. This is different. This is not a medicine or cure. This is only supplement, made from natural ingredients. It is made from herb, tree, root, leaf, etc. In Asia, they are used to heal many diseases. So, it is completely save for human body.

Please learn more about our product to gain what you have been dreaming for years.

Daniel Perangin-Angin is an author who especially researched supplement named Bustfuel. For more information about Bustfuel and its benefit please visit Daniel's website at

Article Source:

Dec 18, 2008

Story About Losing Weight

By W. M. Redzwan

Are you realistic about your weight-loss goal? Remember, losing as little as 10 to 20 pounds can improve your health if you're overweight or obese. Ask your doctor how much weight you can safely lose.

Here's a guide to understanding and dealing with childhood obesity. If you're overweight or obese, you are not alone - you're among nearly 130 million other U.S. adults. Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death and is closely linked to conditions such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, gout, asthma, and gum disease. WebMD has created a weight loss clinic to addresses this public health epidemic.

Vegetarian Food

Natural weight loss with a vegetarian diet or raw food diet is healthy weight loss. Natural appetite suppressants like hoodia weight loss or green tea weight loss are the best weight loss supplements. There are no weight loss vitamins, only natural appetite suppressant.

Eat Balanced Meal

To lose weight safely and effectively, a well balanced diet from the Food Guide Pyramid consuming enough high carbohydrate (low and moderate glycemic index) foods for energy and lowering fat consumption to reduce calories is recommended rather than following a very low calorie diet. It is also important not to eliminate all fat from the diet. The body needs some fats for normal operation. The best fats are monounsaturated (canola oil, olive oil, peanut oil, almonds, pecans, peanuts, walnuts, and avocados).

Diet and Exercise

Diet and exercise are vital strategies for losing and maintaining weight. A study by the National Weight Control Registry found that nearly all of 784 study participants who had lost at least 30 pounds, and had maintained that loss for one year or longer, used diet and exercise to not only lose the weight, but also to maintain the weight loss.

The Result
Once the desired weight has been reached, the gradual addition of about 200 calories of healthy, low-fat food to daily intake may be attempted for one week to see if weight loss continues. If weight loss does continue, additional calories of healthy foods may be added to the daily diet until the right balance of calories to maintain the desired weight has been determined. It may take some time and record keeping to determine how adjusting food intake and exercise levels affect weight.

WAN MOHD HIRWANI WAN HUSSAIN is a successful business consultant, and fitness advocate. He has done extensive research and testing of nutrition, diet and exercise programs. His interest was initiated by a personal health issue, and he was successful in losing over 50 pounds, lowering his stress and blood pressure, as well as increasing muscle mass all at age 57. This was after he failed at the so called expert programs.

Dec 17, 2008

Treadmills Christmas Gifts Guide

This Christmas, you can expect everyone to get stuffed with all the delicious food and just forget about their diets or their belts. What better way to help them get back to shape than by giving them one of these very useful aerobic training machines? Not only are you promoting a healthier lifestyle, these machines can actually be used for a long period of time, and can be used not only by your friend, but his or her family as well. If you don't know what to get, then see the list below for the best of these machines in the market today.

Top 10 treadmills - aerobic training machines Christmas gifts for 2008

1. Bowflex Series 7 Treadmill - this multi-awarded fitness machine can track the heart rate of the user. Its platform is wide for comfortable use, and it comes with 15 different programs to choose from.

2. Stamina InMotion II Manual Treadmill - the beauty of this machine is that it is stylish, quiet, and customizable. Your friend can choose his or her own workout style, and get awesome results in a short time. It even tracks time and calories burned, too!

3. Stamina InMotion II Manual Treadmill - this is perfect for people you know that doesn't like clunky, big machines. The Stamina Motion Treadmill is sleek and stylish. Storage won't be a problem since this machine can be folded. The treadmill itself is wide enough to allow walking or jogging exercises.

4. Horizon Fitness T91 Treadmill - this treadmill's quality is at par with those found at health clubs, so you won't regret getting one for your friend or loved one. It's strong, durable, and has 9 intense workout programs to boot.

5. Phoenix 98516 Easy-Up Manual Treadmill - this treadmill is manual which makes workouts more strenuous and gives faster results. It's also less expensive than its electronic counterparts, so if you're strapped on cash, this is your best choice.

6. Bowflex Series 3 Treadmill - this small but very durable and stylish treadmill won't take up space in your friend's home since it can be easily folded up and stored. It offers very intense workouts for its small frame.

7. Merit Fitness 715T Treadmill - this middle-priced treadmill offers the best of both worlds: affordability plus usefulness. It gives great, vigorous workouts and you won't have to spend a lot to get it for your friend.

8. Cadence C44 - this small machine can actually give you a great cardio workout with added weight loss advantages. The speed and incline of this treadmill can also be controlled for better and faster results.

9. Sole F85 Treadmill (2008 Model) - this gift is great for your friend who's serious about his health. It's quite pricey, but it's worth it, seeing that this treadmill has a lot of features such as 6 programs, 2 additional programs which can be set by the user, and 2 programs that focus on heart rates. These are just some of the many features of this excellent treadmill.

10. Sole F80 Treadmill (2009 Model) - this newest model is lauded for being easy to use and made of very high quality materials. This is a great gift for those who are just starting to improve their health.

Go ahead and use our list for the easiest and convenient holiday shopping.

Check out our Treadmills Christmas gifts page by Clicking Here Now!

You can also find Other Fitness Equipments gift ideas for your father, mother, husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, son, daughter, parents, sibling and everyone on at

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Winter Legs - Tips to Care For Dry Skin

Winter is a dry time, especially if you live in the north. We cover our legs daily, while shaving and moisturizing less. We then pull them out in the spring, change our shaving routine back to a regular schedule and expect them to look good. In your search for youthful looking legs, here are a few tips.

First, remember that true health and a youthful appearance is not a part time endeavor. You must be persistent year round. Consider what your face would look like if you stopped your anti-aging routine for an entire season. The same is true for your legs. Winter maintenance is key to your long range youthful goals.

Second, as winter is the driest time in our weather schedule, our legs actually need a little extra help ... and health. Throw away all products in your bathroom cabinet that contain petroleum or any unnatural ingredients (yes, you must read the label). These items work in the opposite direction of the anti-aging goal. Look for ingredients from the land and sea that advance skin cell health and feed your skin.

Third, our skin at the cellular level has difficulties sloughing off dead skin. There are many influences that affect this process. It is important to remove old, dry skin cells to reveal the translucence of youthful looking skin. In the winter, this becomes even more important, as your skin is not getting the moisture it needs.

Consider a new concept in exfoliation: shaving. Natural exfoliation products remove the old, and stimulate the regeneration of new skin cells. Shaving with an exfoliant doubles the effect. It improves how your skin looks and feels, as well as giving the closest shave ever. This is especially important in the winter, as the environment is drying your skin out.

And finally, follow up immediately with a naturally nourishing, skin defense protecting and ph balancing moisturizer. I can't say this loudly enough: you must replenish your skin with an all-natural moisturizing lotion!

When you finally unveil those legs next spring, be prepared. Anti-aging is a year long process.

Sandy Ralya Writes for

To find out how you can have the best shave possible and leave your skin glowing and healthy using a natural forumlation, visit

It has a built in natural exfoliant which leaves your skin healthy and at the same time you will be just one day away from your next shave!

Article Source:

Dec 15, 2008

Get a Girl to Like You in 3 Easy and Powerful Steps

By Gail Ambrosia-Tucci
Article Source:

There are more than three steps to get a girl to like you, but of those steps, I'm going to help you understand what are possibly the most important three steps you are going to have to master, if you want to get a girl to like you.

STEP 1 - Be Yourself

There is no way around this except to say NO ONE can pretend to be someone they're not for any length of time. Eventually the girl will find out that you've been pretending to be someone you're not and when that happens, you'll be dumped.

Instead, if you're not happy about some aspect of who you are, and it's something you can work on, then do that. Most girls don't really care how much money you make, the job you work or which car you drive.

STEP 2 - Be Confident

Or as confident as you can be. Girls like guys who can put them at their ease and take the lead, but not in an obnoxious, controlling and bullying kind of way. But in a way that means you are not afraid to say what you think and believe in yourself - again avoid being arrogant and full of yourself.

Think about taking control of your immediate circle of friends: be the guy who tells the funny stories, who leads the groups - girls love powerful guys! So this is a great way to get a girl to like you.

STEP 3 - Be Amusing

To get a girl to like you, it always helps if you can make her laugh. Once you have her laughing then you are on the way to winning her over. Girls like it when a guy can make them laugh because they feel you're on the same wave length as them, which is comforting and great.

Surviving the Work Christmas Party

'Tis the season to be invited to Christmas (or 'holiday' or 'festive season', etc.) parties sponsored by your place of employment. At first it sounds like a great idea: take a day or half-day off work, mingle with friends and co-workers, eat free food and drink free booze. What a great way to get into the spirit of the season and to start saying good bye to 2008 and looking forward to 2009. So what could be wrong with this picture?

At first, I personally did not see a problem with in-house celebrations. It seems to build team spirit and gives employees and managers a chance to see each other in a more relaxed atmosphere, even presenting opportunities to get to know each other on a more personal level. And herein lies the problem.

I remember way back in 1997 I was working in an office in Mississauga, Ontario and I was one of the youngest employees there at the time. I was excited to be making a salary instead of a wage, and I was enjoying my job for the most part. I remember one woman named Michelle who I had developed a friendship for and more to the point, a lot of respect for. We were discussing the topic of Christmas parties (and any work-related social gathering for that matter) and she staunchly stated that she
would never attend a work party. I asked why, naturally. She said that you go to a function on a Friday or Saturday, and by Monday morning, the atmosphere at work is suddenly different, because of some people's (mis-)behaviours. Tension is in the air, eyes are darting around, whispers are heard and rumours are milling around the water-cooler. This is what Michelle did not like, and that is why she refused to attend work functions specifically where alcohol was to be served.

So what do you think of Michelle's personal rule? Is it a smart rule or is it too strict?

I will let you decide. I can tell you that I was a big fan of free food and drinks, and before she gave me her advice I was not thinking ahead to the next work week. After I listened to her advice I decided that yes I would attend such functions, but I would be wary of my behaviour and monitor how much and how quickly I drank, if at all. Here are a few common-sense tips to controlling your behaviour at a work party:

1 - Eat a decent meal before attending. This is to avoid pigging out while you are there and also to avoid drinking on an empty stomach. Displaying a voracious appetite is not professional, nor is getting loopy on one drink. It will then be a long night for you, or worse, a very short one.

2 - If you decide to drink, pace yourself. Make a rule that you will have one drink per hour and actually take note of the time when you start and end your drinks.

3- Sip, do not guzzle. Some drinks just go down too fast and smoothly, don't they? But this is not a family summer BBQ, this is a work function and you will be judged Monday on how you carry yourself here and by what you say. Try sipping on a light beer, or a cocktail that is not so appealing to you, like a scotch on the rocks or a martini. This will force you to sip on it with more control. This also allows you to constantly have a drink in front of you so you are not pressured to get another. The 'empty-hand' syndrome causes us to feel out of place and so we often rush to get a replacement beverage. This can accidentally cause over-drinking.

4 - Be confident in your choices. If someone challenges you on how many drinks you have had or something similar, I hope you can simply smile and tell the person the truth, or disengage from the conversation politely. A confident person has no need to feel bad about limiting his or her drinking in public. A confident communicator is aware of image management rules and is determined to have a happy Monday with no scandals created on their part.

5 - Lie if you want to avoid peer pressure. Sometimes a 'white lie' is useful as a communication tactic. It is the art of mis-direction. You can claim your 0.5 beer is a 'real beer'. You can brag that your cranberry juice is really a Cape Cod (vodka and cranberry). Ask the bartender to give you a lime garnish even when your drink has no alcohol. Looks can be deceiving. Or better yet, claim that your second drink is really your third or fourth. Please note that this is a tactic to use when you do not want to get caught up in the 'competitive' side of drinking that sometimes takes place, or if you are somehow feeling out of place for not drinking with colleagues, and you just want to fit in at the moment. This rule is not as good as the above rule number four, but in a pinch, it can get you out of a competition that you do not want to enter.

6 - Be a leader not a follower. Stick to your decisions and manage your image. Do not get caught following the crowd or using the mob mentality as an excuse to do something out of character. Also, if you see a co-worker or friend stepping out of their shell a little too much, take them aside discreetly and give them some friendly advice. Let them know that you care about them and are concerned about their behaviour. Speak to them as a mentor, not as a parent.

7 - Manage people as well as yourself. It is great to manage yourself but you also have the ability and perhaps even the responsibility to manage others. For example, if a person comes up to you and starts flirting, and you are not comfortable with it, you could 'play dumb' and pretend that you think it is all a big joke. Smile, laugh and walk away. There is not always a need to make a big scene at the time. Some incidents can be stopped easily before they get out of hand by using this technique. In other words, you do not embarrass the other person and then on Monday you do not have the thick tension in the air, and do not have to have a formal meeting with managers, etc. We have all said something or done something bold when we have been nervous or intoxicated. We are all human. Sometimes keeping their dignity in tact is a great gift that you can bestow upon them. After all, is this not the season for gift-giving?

There are other rules and tips of etiquette that we could go over but for now I think that is enough to get you thinking of how you will manage yourself if and when you attend your holiday parties. There are benefits to attending if you play your cards right. A lot of business is done informally, or 'on the golf course' as we say. However if you damage your image in the eyes of management then you will lose credibility and will not be considered so quickly for promotions. You may even lose your job, if not formally, then by virtue of feeling embarrassed by your actions that you search for new employment.

I hope none of that happens to you. I wish you all the best for December and prosperity in 2009.

Thank you.

Ric Phillips
Communication Coach & Trainer

3V Communications - Building Confident Communications!

Toronto, ON, Canada

Article Source:

Dec 14, 2008

When You Say Nothing At All

Alison Krauss And Union Station
When You Say Nothing At All

"When You Say Nothing at All" is a country song written by Paul Overstreet and Don Schlitz. It is among the best-known hit songs for three different performers: Keith Whitley, who took it to the top of the Billboard Hot Country Singles chart on December 24, 1988; Alison Krauss, whose version became her first solo top-10 country hit in 1995; and Irish pop singer Ronan Keating, whose version was his first solo single and a chart-topper in the UK in 1999.

It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word you can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all

All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd
Old Mr. Webster could never define
What's being said between your heart and mine

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all

The Tale of How

Directors: Jannes Hendrikz, Ree Treweek and Markus Smit.

I have loved this animation for a long time and was blown away when I saw it at ResFest. I'm so pleased to see it here. very very original and beauty concept.

Dec 13, 2008

Lessons Learned While Surviving a Bad Economy

By Frank Ramsey

Life can be hard during these times of bad economy but survival is not impossible. In fact, you can actually use these hard times as a stepping stone to something big. With the right kind of smarts and the right outlook and attitude, you can turn this upheaval into a positive thing that can help you move forward in your life.

Hard times actually offers people the chance to pave for new roads and create new avenues that will hopefully change the way you live your life. Below are some of the lessons that you can learn from these times:

1. Light at the end of the tunnel
No matter how hard life can be, there is always hope for survival and one way to actually survive is to make sure that you believe that there is hope for the future. Staying positive will help you deal with the hardships that life offers. Knowing that you can fight against whatever life deals you is already winning half the battle.

2. Life is hard and it can even get harder
Not everything will be given to you straight out. In fact, life does not even give you all the things that you ask for. This is especially true if you have just graduated from school and now are raring to conquer the world. News flash, it will not always be as easy as when you were in school and with the current economic situation, life will be even harder.

3. There's always a solution
With every problem, there is a solution and you can almost always do it yourself. There is actually no need to despair and lose hope with the situation. You just need to act or even to make that decision to act. When you do this, you are already half way there in solving the problem. Besides, being confident that you will have solution will allow you to think clearer, faster and better.

4. Panicking will get you nowhere
Worrying over what is happening will only zap away your strength and will waste your time. If you truly want to survive the bad economy, make a choice and act on it. too much thinking and worrying will only curtail your growth and will make you lose the opportunities that you should have gotten had you opened the door when they knocked.

Are You Suffering Due to the Economy? Does the Current Downturn Make Stretching a Dollar Impossible? Are You Wishing You Could Get Some Relief? Survive The Bad Economy By Learning How You Can Cut Costs And Come Out On Top! Visit Our Website To Find Out More About Surviving The Bad Economy.

Article Source:

Dec 12, 2008

Social bookmarking elements after each blog post

This is the updated version of my previous post post on the same.. in this i have added a new stumble upon button.If you use this you will get the bookmarking icons after each blog post as you see on my blog here . To get this working on your blog do the following steps..

1)Goto Blogger Template>Edit HTML back up your template and expand the widget templates..
2)Now in your template replace



<script src=''></script>

Tips:you can download the simpletricks.js and upload your own host space,like googlepages,google code.Click here and download it.

3)Now find

<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>

and place the following code just below that line or the place where you want to insert to.

<table align='left' border='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%'>
<td style='vertical-align:middle' valign='middle' width='30%'>
<div expr:id='&quot;sbtxt&quot;'>Bookmark this post:</div><script type='text/javascript'>showsbtext(&quot;sbtxt&quot; + &quot;<>&quot;,0)</script>
<a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,19);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='StumpleUpon' src=''/></a>
<a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,6);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Ma.gnolia' border='0' src=''/></a>
<a expr:href='&quot;;url=&quot; + data:post.url' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,1);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='DiggIt!' src=''/></a>
<a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,2);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='' src=''/></a>
<a expr:href='&quot;;Description=&amp;Url=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;Title=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,3);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Blinklist' src=''/></a>
<a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,4);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Yahoo' src=''/></a>
<a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;t=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,8);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Furl' src=''/></a>
<a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,9);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Technorati' src=''/></a>
<a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,10);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Simpy' src=''/></a>
<a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,11);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Spurl' src=''/></a>
<a expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot; + data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,17);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Reddit' src=''/></a>
<a expr:href='&quot;;bkmk=&quot; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;title=&quot;+data:post.title' expr:onmouseout='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,0);&quot;' expr:onmouseover='&quot;javascript:showsbtext(\&quot;sbtxt&quot; + + &quot;\&quot;,20);&quot;' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'><img alt='Google' src=''/></a>

if every thing went correctly this is what you should get

and also some mouse over animation as you see on the icons below this post.. Now you can remove the unwanted buttons by removing the corresponding tag.You can also change the button images if you like.I am looking for some better bookmarking icons(especially for that stumbleUpon).If anybody has it please leave a comment here.
Credits to Beautiful Beta for this awesome javascript

Dec 11, 2008

How MidLife Women Change in Midlife

Written By Ellen Besso
"An increasingly insistent voice from deep within beckons us ...imploring us to explore aspects of ourselves that have been dormant during our years of caring for others and focusing on their needs." Dr. Christiane Northrup

There's definitely an up and a down side to getting older. For instance, who knew that perimenopausal symptoms, some of which, like poor co-ordination, seemed to oddly mimic early first pregnancy, could begin at age 43? I certainly wasn't ready for that and my mother, my friend and my Jin-shin-do practitioner had to tell me that what I was experiencing was perimenopause.

The initial stages of perimenopause seemed okay, but as the process deepened, my energy plummeted severely and I felt emotionally disconnected. As the hormone changes intensified, combining with my particular body biology and habits, I was quietly developing osteoporosis.

After I traversed perimenopause and became a menopausal crone, I began my counselling program at City University in Vancouver. My course started one month after I became menopausal, which I found interesting, and somehow fitting. My energy was more stable now, and the focus of learning skills to help me with my work with women gave my life meaning.

This new stage of my life also coincided with my aging mother, who was developing Alzheimer's by then, leaving her independent living situation and moving to our community, where my brother and I set her up in her own apartment with private caregivers for several hours per week. While I wasn't responsible for her day-to-day care, as my brother was her self-appointed case manager, the initial adjustment to having my mom 'in my backyard' so to speak, was pretty challenging. I was dealing with the stress of my first year in grad school (after about 20 years), and I was very stressed. Having my mother in my in my community meant that she was 'in my face', and old issues surfaced. Over the years it's been a chance to let go and grow for both of us however.

Despite the challenges midlife throws us, I've always seen this time as an opportunity to get to know oneself better. Something in us holds out an invitation to go down deeper into ourselves and to find out what it is that we yearn to do with the rest of our lives.

Through her 'Odyssey of Change' coaching program, Ellen Besso offers Midlife Women the opportunity to navigate the midlife maze and find joy & fullness in their lives.

Personal action plans include strengthening the body-mind connection; releasing beliefs that limit growth; & specific actions to move you forward into your ideal life.

Ellen is uniquely qualified to be your guide because she has personally journeyed through perimenopause and into an inspired life as a menopausal crone! Her professional credentials include certification as a Martha Beck Coach and an M.A. in Counselling from City University.

To find out more about Ellen's work and read articles written by her contact: or 800 961 1364 - N.Am. or

604 886 1916 - Gibsons, BC

Article Source:

Dec 10, 2008

Safety Tips For Female College Students

After high school graduation, everybody's excited for a commencement that is often perceived as the stage of freedom and challenge. Entering college requires physical, mental and emotional preparation. It is very important to properly nourish your body with the right kind and right amount of food because as we all know, food contains nutrients that make our body strong to withstand all the stress and toxic from the environment. If our physical health is impaired, we won't be able to execute our normal daily activities in life.

Mental preparation comes next. Establish your goals in life and think of the special people you are doing it for. Be focused on your endeavors but also prepare yourself for trials and shortcomings. (To prevent depression and trauma) Determining your ways to reach your goal within a realistic time frame is also one means of preparing yourself mentally. While being emotionally prepared means not easily pushed over by friends or peers. You got to develop your confidence and self-righteousness.

These aren't just the things you should prepare yourselves of. As college students, this means Dorm rooms, right? You'll probably be away from your families until a summer vacation. This implies that you'll be walking out alone or with your girlfriends when going home, eating out or watching a movie. Being alone in the streets pose great risk for heinous crimes such as rape.

According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, girls ages 16 to 19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape or assault. The rapists aren't just masked strangers. It is declared that almost 2/3 of rape cases were completed by someone known to the victim. Some were the victim's friends and some were the victim's relative. It is imperative to give our college girls some tips on being prepared for undesirable circumstances that may cross their path.

Tip # 1: Whenever hanging out with friends, going outside alone or just buying snacks downtown, always have a handy defensive armor in your pocket, something like a lipstick pepper spray. This will put you in control even when you're with a boyfriend. Once he's making you feel uncomfortable, just slowly glide your hands down to your pocket and spray him right in the face.

Tip # 2: Don't think that dorm rooms are always safe as the owners tell them they are. Who knows? Maybe the owner of the dorm room might be a rapist himself...

There's nothing wrong in protecting yourself from bad elements. Besides, you got nothing to lose! Get a door brace for your room to prevent someone from mistakenly or forcefully entering your room.

Tip # 3: Get a burglar alarm. Hang it on any doorknob (non-metallic doors) and it instantly and automatically sounds when an intruder touches the doorknob. Carry it with you and just pull out the metal chain to sound the alarm and deter an assailant.

Never give an aggressor the opportunity to abuse or harass you in any way. College life can be full of fun, laughter and bliss. Just keep these safety tips in practice.

Protecting yourself and your family from harm should be one of your top priorities. Although it requires time going out searching for the right gadgets to equip yourself with. Good thing you can just visit

Article Source:

Dec 9, 2008

How to Enlarge Your Breasts Naturally

Written By Sandra Ksh Kwok on Aug,26,2008 from

For years, many women of all ages have suffered embarrassment from having small, sagging or underdeveloped breasts, which often leads to low self-esteem. And they are looking for natural methods of Breast Enlargement.

If you have ever wished that your breasts were larger, bigger or more attractive and beautiful in shape and touch, there are practical, low cost, safe alternative that is completely natural: -

- Breast Enlargement pills or cream that is ability to naturally balance female hormones and promote breast size and firmness. Most women notice significant growth within 3 months. There are many different Breast Enlargement pills and cream to be chosen in the market, we need to know how to select highest quality Breast Enlargement pills and cream? Which will be better - Herbal Breast Enlargement pills that are made of natural ingredient or others in chemosynthesis component?

- There are some books that are telling you how to use your mind to increase the size of your breasts, like Hypnosis. Have you tried it and get good result?

I believe that most women want to have larger and more attractive breasts and really want to get most helpful information for them to select the best method or product for breast enlargement. And there are many women have success experience can share with others.

If you have any experience or have problem in selecting highest quality Breast Enlargement pills and creams, and want to find helpful information about this.

Welcome to my blog for sharing and discussing the best natural method of Breast Enlargement.

Sandra Kwok

Article Source:

A short love story in stop motion

A couple of pencil-outlined birds escape from a little girl′s drawing, leading us through the life she dreams of.

Dec 8, 2008

Caring For Your Glam Jewelry

Written by Sara Vaccariellion Dec,4,2008

Jewelry can remain sparkly and fabulous if cared for properly. It doesn't take a lot of effort, but it will be worth every minute invested. Here are several simple tips:

1. Sonic cleaners are fantastic. Just a drop of ammonia and dishwashing liquid in the water does wonders! Make sure to let the jewelry dry completely before putting it way. Don't put pearls, rubies, turquoise, amber, coral, or emeralds in a sonic cleaner. Use mild soap and water with a soft cloth instead.

2. If you don't have a sonic cleaner, or if you jewelry is seriously dirty, invest in a soft toothbrush. Softly scrub the jewelry with mixture of a cup of hot water with a splash of ammonia and a small squirt of dishwashing liquid.

3. Tarnished jewelry should be cleaned with a tarnish remover specifically safe for jewelry. Silver polish works brilliantly on tarnished silver, making the piece almost like new.

4. Don't spray hairspray or perfume while wearing your jewelry. These sticky particles will adhere to your jewelry and attract dust. Jewelry should be the last thing you put on and the first thing you take off to avoid damage. Most cosmetics are harmful to jewelry.

5. For a quick clean, spray window cleaner on a soft cloth (like a washcloth) and wipe the jewelry. Don't spray the cleaner directly onto the jewelry as you won't be able to wipe it from all the tiny nooks and crannies.

6. Remove your jewelry when cleaning, putting on lotion, swimming in a pool or ocean, gardening, or when you're in extreme heat or cold.

Sara Vaccarielli is the designer and owner of Twinkle Studio, remaking vintage gems into luxe modern jewelry at all price-points including 10 items every day that are available for $10 each.

Article Source:

World War - 3D Animation

World War - 3D Animation @ University Of Hertfordshire 2008
by Digital Animation Herts Uni UK

World War was created by Vincent Chai for his final degree project whilst studying 3D Animation at the University Of Hertfordshire.

Vincent Chai portfolio:

visit to see more films created by the University of Hertfordshire Digital Animation 3D|VFX|2D|Games Art students. scam

Follow isn't my video i found it in some forum:

I have joined about half years ago,so today my earning is more then €5000,so I think I will get my earning,but when I click the Payout button,It say that 'You don't have minium of payout. 'It is a scam web,but from this I know that make money online is not so eary,to work hard is the right things I should do now.Meantime,I am very sorry for my downlines.

Here are my account Screenshots:

Dec 7, 2008

Fat City Reprise - Long Gone

Music Video for "Long Gone" from Fat City Reprise
Director: Cesar Kuriyama
Director of Photography: Tommy Agriodimas

No Video cameras were used in the production of this music video. It was created entirely from 45,000 Photographs taken by a Nikon D200 DSLR.

10 Ways to Pick Up Business in a Down Economy

Written by Tim Hayeson Dec,4,2008

Remember the bumper stickers back in the nineties that said "Kill Your Television"?

Well, based on all the over simplified economic news coming from the major networks, the financial networks and radio too-it's something to consider again. No doubt, when the challenges of the current economy are studied in history, a major factor driving the psychology of the event will be the media.

There's one problem with "mass media", sweeping generalizations. The broad brush-the it's everywhere approach-lacks specifics for each of our own backyards.

The result is that a lot of business owners experiencing a slowdown just say it's the economy. Newsflash, there are companies that make millions of dollars in bad times. So, it can be done. Here's how:

1. Focus on Your World

The news is a sweeping generalization and has no problem letting us think this is the way of the world. Take a hard look at the reality of your situation:

Are you still in business?

Are you in foreclosure or in danger of getting there?

Do you work in a failed bank or investment firm?

Is your industry of field lined up for a bailout?
If not, pay attention to what's affecting you--not what the media says is affecting us. Do you work. Reposition your produces and services to meet your customers changing needs. Don't sit on your hands and blame the economy.

2. Protect Existing Customers/Clients

When was the last time you communicated with them without trying to sell them something? Bad idea if it's been longer than a few weeks. Get a newsletter or ezine going now and a minimum of monthly. Figure our ways you can start right now to show them how you appreciate them. Show them you solve their problems and don't be a source of their worries or fears. Even better, start making them some great offers the boosts value so they continue to spend money with your business.

3. Install or Crank Up Referral Programs

New marketing is expensive and referrals are far easier and cheaper to get. Your customers are like seeds in an apple. You can focus on how many seeds are in the apple. Getting referrals is focusing on how many apples are in a seed. If your clients like you, then you're good for the people they like. Make that point clear and get referrals--now!

4. Know Who Buys What

Not all of your customers or clients buy everything you have to offer. Start breaking down your list to who buys what. Now you can sell what they want easier, identify and right buyer for new business. Then create campaigns to cross sell to your client base. No time? List companies can do it for you. Does it work? Well, there has to be a reason Head & Shoulders has 9 different shampoos.

5. Fix Your Customer Service

When business was for the taking, customer service wasn't very important. Now, a lax customer service is the room where your competitors will drive a wedge between you and your profits (or survival). Conduct a top to bottom review of all the points anyone in your company comes in contact with a customer. Are complaints resolved quickly? Do people show up on time for appointment? Are things ready with a client wants them? Better be 100% sure. .

6. Multiple Marketing Campaigns

I've kicked up the sales volume for many a client who they thought what they were doing was enough. After looking at the numbers and facts, they actually had a capacity to do a lot more marketing. Dan Kennedy says, "The most dangerous number is 1." So if you only have one way to market; what happens when you business slows down? Right, blame the economy because MSNBC says so. Same goes for referral programs--having and executing only one does not cut in today's business environment.

7. Joint Ventures

Have you ever considered a JV with any business that has customers who fit the same profile as your ideal customers? If you're a professional I'll wager there are other businesses in your building that would make excellent JV partners. JVs are like making a sale; you have to ask to get one. Look, after referrals this should be the next avenue you use for new business in 2009.

8. Use Off line Marketing

It's ironic to recommend that strategy in an ezine article. Online marketing is big and getting bigger. The total RSS feeds, ezines, blogs and landing pages will double in 2008 and do so again in 2009. The number is even larger for emails. That makes older media more attractive because there's less competition. Direct mail, display ads, inserts, post cards and printed newsletters--when done right produce very profitable results. Don't give up on an older media just because a new one comes along. Think of ways to go "Old School"

9. Tie In Promotions

Just tying your promotions to the national holidays gives you eleven additional campaigns in 2009. Use any or all of the manufactured events like Mother's Day, Father's Day, the vernal equinox or summer solstice and you got more than any competitor can think of in a year. Get thee a marketing calendar and start making plans. Of course, you can make up your own reasons for a promotion. If the economy seems crazy, they go crazy yourself.

10. Give More Away

Put the Law of Reciprocity to work for you. Send gifts in the mail, free samples, sweeten offers with bonuses and free stuff. Too expensive you say? Information costs you nothing to give away. Bonus reports and "how to" information goes a long way. Want a great lesson on how to do this? Donate to a charity with a lot of marketing savvy. I recommend the DAV and Covenant House. You'll help a good cause and get a graduate level education on how to use free stuff. Remember donate to charities you believe in and support.

Any turn down in the economy does not last forever. The trick is to make sure your business can outlast the cycle. Turn off the TV and get to work. Give your competition something more to worry about than a bad economy-you.

Tim Hayes is principal of Timothy Hayes Copywriting/Consulting. His practice provides marketing communications, direct response programs and consulting for B2B and B2C organizations. With over 23 years face to face selling and marketing experience you get an unfair advantage in all your marketing communications. Tim offers marketing consulting through his Half and Full Day with Tim program. To get full details on the complete services for Timothy Hayes Copywriting/Consulting visit Tim can be reached by phone at (978) 269-4861, email at or fax (978) 453-1873.

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Dec 6, 2008

Personal Security For Women

Written By Roger Weaver on Dec,6,2008 from

We all enjoy getting out of the house for activities or meeting with friends. A favorite activity of women is shopping. As women it is important that we keep an eye out and protect ourselves to prevent becoming a victim of purse snatching, assault, or rape.

Protecting yourself while you are at home or away is an easy task. For protection at home install a top quality security system with monitoring services. A security system can protect you from break-ins, assault, fire, carbon monoxide poisoning and medical emergencies. Selecting a home security system is an important step and should be taken with care.

Personal security while out on the town is equally important. A valuable tool for woman is to receive self-defense training. There are many groups that offer self-defense training. You will learn what to do in the event that someone approaches you with a knife or grabs you from behind. You will learn techniques that can save your life.

Keep careful watch over your bags when you are at the mall or out on the town. Do not carry your wallet in your hand or a purse that has handles. These are easy targets for thieves to grab and run. A purse that has a long strap that can be placed over your neck will be more secure. Thieves are looking for easy targets to rob.

There are personal safety items that can be carried with you in your purse or pocket. Pepper spray is a good deterrent. There are some pepper spray cans that can be attached to your key chain for easy access. Pepper spray can slow down an assailant giving you time to seek help or get to safety. An advantage of pepper spray as a self-defense tool is that it is legal to carry, sell, or use in most states.

Personal sirens are another deterrent. These are usually a small device that you pull a pin or press a button for. The device sends off an alarm scaring the attacker. A siren will draw attention to you which is something that an attacker does not want. These sirens can be purchased with a decibel rating up to 110 db which can easily discourage an assailant.

The simplest item to carry with you is a loud whistle. The premise behind the whistle is that it will draw attention to the assailant and discourage their attack. These whistles are the kind of whistle that you blow and are small enough for you to carry or attach to your key chain.

Regardless of the personal security method that you choose it is important to remain alert of your surroundings and the people that are near you. When you are at home be certain to arm your home security system. Good security can give you the peace of mind that you are safe and someone is watching over you.

ADT Security is the leading provider of home security systems in the U.S. ADT security systems can help protect your home and family with state-of-the art equipment and round-the-clock monitoring. You can't go wrong when you choose America's number-one name in home security, ADT.

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Dec 5, 2008

Breaking free-High School Musical

All resources are from web,All Rights Reserved by the author.

The MV of High School Musical,the song's name is breaking free,it's so cool and I love it so much.

Tips For Wearing Jewelry to Best Accent You

Written by Sara Vaccariellion Dec,4,2008

Jewelry is an accessory that can make or break your look. Wearing jewelry correctly will result in a smart, dazzling result where all the focus is on you! Here are 5 simple tips:

1. Wear just one bold statement piece of jewelry and make sure your other pieces are understated and complimentary. For example, a big, flashy bracelet should be paired with a simple ring and small hoop or stud earrings. Don't overstimulate your "viewers" by attempting to bring attention to your ears, neck, wrist, and hands at one time. Choose a single focal point.

2. Be practical and consider your activity. Heavy, dangly earrings and ten bangle bracelets are probably not a good choice for a crazy dance party nor outdoor hiking. Reserve large pieces for events when you're not going to be extraordinarily active.

3. Necklace lengths can be the trickiest thing to determine when choosing jewelry to coordinate with your outfit. Chokers are fantastic with strapless dresses and tops. Open collar and boat-neck tops look great with a chunkier, shorter necklace. Turtlenecks and tunics are best with a longer pendant or a long string of beads.

4. Make sure your jewelry choices are appropriate for the situation. For example, a flashy choker is not okay for an office. And a set of conservative pearls is probably not the best choice for rock concert. Pair your jewelry to the occasion.

5. Wear size-proportionate jewelry. If you're petite, a large piece (or worse, several large pieces) would detract versus attract. If you want to wear a bold piece, try a large cocktail ring or bracelet instead of a necklace or earrings. If you're a plus-sized gal, turn it up and wear large, splashy pieces.

Sara Vaccarielli is the designer and owner of Twinkle Studio, remaking vintage gems into luxe modern jewelry at all price-points including 10 items every day that are available for $10 each.

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Pictures of different money from different countries

--> The coins from diffent countries are different,so today I will show you some pictures of different money from different countries.

Egypt: pound

Ireland: pound

Estonia: Karenni

Antigua and Barbuda: the former Eastern Caribbean

Austria: shilling

Australia: Yuan

Barbados: Yuan

Papua New Guinea: kina

Bahamas: Yuan

Bajisita: Rs

Paraguay: Guarani

Brazil: Li Yayi

Belarus: rubles


North Korea:Yuan

Germany: Mark

Russia: ruble

France: franc

Cambodia: Villiers

Liberia: Yuan

Mexico: Peso

South Africa: crown

South Africa: Rand

European Union: the euro

Japan: Japanese Yen

Somalia: shilling

India: Rs

Indonesia: rupees (Shield)

Macao, China: MOP

Hong Kong, China: HK